Sunday, September 8, 2024 Online AND In Person Starts at 10:30am
Waters of Life:
Ingathering and Water Ceremony Reverend Eric Meter
As we gather at the start of a new church year
let us give thanks for what sustains us, chief among
them the water that makes our lives possible,
as well as the love that does the same.
Note: We’ll be literal with both giving and receiving this morning. Please bring a small amount of water from a place that is meaningful to you to be part of a common font we create and use to mark our joys and sorrows.
Please join us for a barbecue following the service!
Pot-luck salads and desserts are very welcome!
FirstU will provide hotdogs, hamburgers and drinks.
Welcome back to RE! We’re thrilled to resume our full program after a fun summer.
Please come say hello at the RE table in the sanctuary to pick up a registration form and check in your child.
This Sunday, children will start upstairs for the time for all ages and join our annual water communion. Please bring a small jar of water from a place that's special to you.
Afterwards, children will head downstairs to begin their new programs: Rainbow Room (ages 2-6): We'll learn about sacred space with Ellery the Church Mouse. Chalice Room (ages 7-12): We'll make nametags and get an introduction to the UU Values Challenge program.
The FirstU Board is pleased to inform congregants that Ottawa City Council, at its meeting this past Wednesday, September 4, gave approval to the zoning and other changes required for our campus redevelopment and the creation of Odayanhaway.
This was the final level of approval needed to move forward with this important project. A year of further planning now begins, which will be conducted with input from all on our campus, aiming at construction to begin roughly a year from now. For more information, please visit our affordable housing page.
Thanks to all who helped move us to this step of living our values and mission!
Reminder about eUU Submissions
Hi friends!
As our church year begins anew, and our social and personal growth events ramp back into high gear, please remember that:
eUU submissions are due by noon on the Wednesday of the week you wish your submission to appear
Submission must be no longer than 80 words
Thank you for sticking to these guidelines!
Algonquin Word of the Week
We all know that Ajashki means "Soil" in Algonquin, that Kitigan Zibi means "Garden River", and "Gichi Miigwetch" means "Thank you very much".
Let's learn some more words in Algonquin language.
This week's Algonquin Word of the Week is:
Manoomin is translated as "wild rice" but means something more like "good berry" when translated directly. It's a tannin-rich, aquatic cereal native to this bioregion. We're in the middle of Manoominike Giizis - Ricing Moon - which started in mid-August. People are out in their boats knocking the ripe manoomin off their stalks (and making sure some of it lands in the water for next year) to harvest it. Have you ever eaten manoomin?
Featured Volunteer Opportunity
Welcoming Newcomers During the Fall Fair
Be part of the team that will staff a table during the Fall Fair to answer questions about FirstU and Unitarian Universalism. This will only require an hour of your time and you'll be able to schedule your shift to fit with other commitments you may have that day. If you are interested in helping, please contact Chuck Shields.
Want to let the congregation know about a volunteer opportunity? Fill out this online form to let people know!
Have you already completed the FirstU Volunteering survey? If not, please click the embedded link and add your information to the volunteering data base: Participation Survey
Caring Cards sent in August: Joan C, Jen B, Elisabeth M, Gerald and Tanya B, Brian C, Chuck T, Eleanor and Ray B, and Katrina B.
We are all interconnected, interdependent and minister to each other in many ways. Our monthly Caring Contacts take your phone calls and emails when you wish to alert us to a need or a concern or have a joy to celebrate. We try to ensure no one is forgotten and that appropriate help is provided when requested.
Read All About It!
Seeking Small Group Facilitators
Adult Learning and Growth will be offering Journey Groups (formerly "Chalice Groups") this fall, and is looking for additional facilitators. Using material from Soul Matters, facilitators will guide groups of 6-10 people through six monthly sessions and make themselves available for optional check-ins between sessions, with an eye to fostering connection and personal spiritual exploration. If you're interested in volunteering or finding our more, contact Eva B.
September Climate March
September with the Environmental Action Group will be a mighty focus on the September 21st Climate March! Click over to the Climate Action Page for details. You can consider which of several petitions you wish to support in September's Enviro-Advocacy, learn more about the rationale for the choice of the "Climate Culprits" chosen by Fridays for Future in the Enviro-Bit. Finally, plan to move into Enviro-Action mode and join the activists at the 2024 Climate March.
Pride Service Take Two!
Due to technical failures during the August 18 Pride Service, we didn’t get any sound on the YouTube recording. We appreciate that our guest speaker, Victoria Higgins, was able to come in and do a command performance of her Pride Sunday Address for our cameras. You can view it by clicking HERE. You can also check our UU Pride page for photos from the August 25 Parade! Happy Pride!
Friday Reading for Growth Book List
We're looking forward to upcoming group discussions of the eight books we selected last June for our reading pleasure 2024-25. One of the advantages of participating in book groups is enjoying a book that one might never have chosen oneself. Here is our list of eclectic non-fiction books with sufficient copies available at Ottawa Public Libraries.
Recycling and Reuse Reminder
As we start into September the EAG wishes to thank those of you participating in our flexible coffee bag recycling project with TerraCycle and our pill bottle reuse collection for Earthub BUT: Please remember when donating pill bottles:
1. the bottles must be clean, label-free, and empty
2. Earthub requires 10 cents per bottle for mailing
Thank you for your participation and assistance.
Upcoming Events
Virtual Bridge
Friday, September 6 - 7:00pm on Zoom and Bridge Base
Join us online for a fun game of bridge, using Zoom and Bridge Base Online, on the first Friday of every month. Email Barb R to RSVP and get the links and ensure your spot, by the Thursday immediately before our game.
Ingathering Service and Events
Sunday, September 8 - 10:30am
Join us for an annual UU tradition! Our Ingathering Service will include a Water Ceremony, so please bring a small amount of water from a place that is meaningful to you to be part of a common font we create and use in to mark our joys and sorrows. FirstU BBQ - 11:30am - Outdoors
Start the program year with some food and fun! Bring a pot-luck side-dish to share and enjoy some grilled goodies with the congregation. There is no charge but a donation bowl will be available. Questions or to volunteer, contact Lisa S. Tropical Plant Sale - 11:30am - Worship Hall
Need a leafy friend to talk to? Want to give someone else a beautiful plant? All proceeds to FirstU Food Cupboard.
Small plants - $5; Large plants - $10; Extra large plants - $20.
Taoist Tai Chi
Tuesday, September 10 - 1:00pm in Fellowship Hall
Led by Friends of Taoist Tai Chi, Ottawa
Tai Chi is a series of gentle movements that improves circulation, strengthens the bones, and develops good balance. Many have found their health greatly improved by regular practice. We welcome anyone to participate, beginners included. Each two-hour session will be led by experienced instructors from "Friends of Tai Chi" and will include a break for tea. There is no fixed fee for these classes, a free will donation basket will be available. Email [email protected] with any questions.
Drop-In Art Morning
Wednesday, September 11 - 9:00am - Room 3
Adults! Join us, every Wednesday, for three hours of creating and conversation! Drop in with your art supplies and pursuits. Please no oil paints. There is no storage so projects must go back home with you. No charge, free will offering basket will be available.
Knitters Group
Wednesday, September 11 - 1:00pm - Room 3
This group welcomes knitters and crocheters of any level, from beginner to expert, who enjoy creating hand-made items in a friendly, supportive setting. Using donated yarn, we make a variety of goods to sell at Fall Fair, Mitten Tree, and other events in support of the church, and to donate to special community projects.
Online Meditation Group
Wednesday, September 11 - 7:00pm on Zoom
Join us, once again, on Wednesday evenings for online meditation plus readings from teachers like Thich Nhat Hanh. Let Colleen know if you would like to receive a friendly email reminder on Tuesday. Click HERE to join the meditation session Meeting ID: 880 7343 6250 Passcode: 574355
FirstU Virtual Discussion Circle
Thursday, September 12 - 1:30pm on Zoom
Discussion circles are held weekly, with a different topic each week. No pre-registration is required, just drop in by clicking on the link. We look forward to seeing you! This week, our topic is "Armageddon". ZOOM LINKMeeting ID: 851 8209 4896 Password: 350030
Men's Breakfast - Ottawa Tool Library Edition
Friday, September 13 - 8:00am - Fellowship Hall
Gentlemen are invited to join the Men’s Breakfast Group on Friday, September 13, for coffee, socializing, and breakfast, followed by an informative and entertaining talk by speakers Roderick Gillyatt and Katherine Gunn, who will tell us all about the Ottawa Tool Library. Register no later than this Monday, September 9 by clicking HERE and submitting this form.
Sunday Morning Forum: Philosophy of International Relations
Sunday, September 15 - 9:30am - Fellowship Hall
Reuel Amdur will address what philosophy tells us about how countries treat each other. Reuel's undergraduate degree was in political science.
Saturday, September 7
Spirituality and Philosophy Group
Sunday, September 8 10:30am
Ingathering Service and Water Ceremony Online AND In-Person Please bring a small jar of water from a source that is meaningful to you
Kids RE 11:30am
Welcome Back Congregational BBQ
Tropical Plant Sale
FirstU Food Cupboard is Open
Save the Date
Trivia Quiz Night: We're Back! Monday, September 16 - 7:00pm on Zoom
Join us for our monthly Trivia Quiz! Questions are diverse, fun, and taken from several sources, and there is no need to feel embarrassed about getting an incorrect answer: players score themselves! All you need is a pen or pencil, paper and your "thinking cap". Play alone or team up with friends! For more information, email Andrew. ZOOM LINKMeeting ID: 868 6409 2724 Passcode: 038258
In-Person Bridge
Sunday, September 22 - 2:00pm in Room 3
Join us in Room 3, on the fourth Sunday of every month, from 2:00pm to 4:00pm, for a fun game of bridge. Email Barb R to RSVP, by the Saturday immediately before our game, so we can set up before you arrive. We're looking forward to seeing you!
Friday Reading for Growth
Friday, September 27 - 1:30pm on Zoom
We meet via Zoom, on the last Friday of the month to review the selected book. For September we're reading China Unbound: A New World Disorder by Vancouver-based journalist Joanna Chiu.
Copies are available from the public library. Join us to discuss the book's analysis of how this new superpower influences and threatens global democracies. Contact Clea for details and the Zoom link.
Unitarian Universalist nUUs
Information about events and activities at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Ottawa can be found by reading the latest UUFO Friday Notes.
Canadian Unitarian Council Information about upcoming CUC events can be found on their Events Page.
Chez FirstU
Ensemble Eurythmy Interval presents:
Something Ignited in My Soul: Poetry and Music in Movement
Friday, September 27 - 7:45pm
Join the Ensemble Eurythmy for a dance performance set to both music and spoken word, right here at FirstU. Tickets are $35 each, or $20 each for students.
News From Our Friends
Humanist Perspectives: Summer 2024 Edition
The Summer 2024 edition of Humanist Perspectives, focused on the separation of church and state, is available to read HERE.
Share the eUU with your friends
by using the share buttons below
If you would like an announcement made during the livestreamed Sunday Service, please send an email, by Friday at 10am, to [email protected].
Do allow for time in case there are questions with regard to the announcement. Also note that announcements may need to be edited
for length and that time-sensitive announcements may be prioritized.
eUU Submissions
Submit your eUU messages for consideration to [email protected] no later than Wednesday at noon of the week you want your announcement or event to appear. Submissions may be edited for length.
80 words or fewer, please. Allison, our Communications Coordinator, works Thursdays and Fridays.