commitment and connection
Hooray! You’ve been coming to services for a while, have volunteered at an event or two, and are thinking of taking the next step by become a Member of your church!
We're so glad to have you here with us and that you've chosen FirstU's community of fellow seekers to travel with you on your life's journey! Becoming a Member of FirstU gives you the opportunity to guide your church's direction as a voting participant in AGMs and Town Halls, even by taking a position on the Board of Directors, while continuing to enjoy the spiritual exploration and close-knit community that make FirstU so special. |
Below, you'll find everything you need to become a Member of FirstU!
There are lots of ways to start the membership process
Prefer to work with hard copies? Pick up your membership kit at the Welcome Table on Sunday or request a kit by email, then drop your filled out Application and Permission forms off at the Office next time you're at church. Wondering what's up with the Permission Form?
FirstU is required, under the Privacy Act, to have each member, as well as any other attendee who wished to receive congregational information and be listed in our directory, complete such a Permission Form. |
What happens next?
Once you've submitted your application, Reverend Eric will be in touch to invite you to an informal meeting where the two of you will have a conversation about your personal faith journey and how FirstU fits into that. These conversations are confidential and they're all unique because everyone brings their own mix of longing and excitement with them. |
You'll have the space to laugh, cry if you need to, and talk about where your heart has been leading you. You'll have the chance to talk about what you're looking for, and needing, in a faith community and how your involvement with FirstU can both challenge and nourish you.
Once that’s done, all that’s left is for the Board of Directors to formally accept your submitted application at the next monthly BoD meeting.
Congratulations! You’re a Member!
We’ll add you to the FirstU directory, encourage you to fill out your pledge form, and invite you to attend the next New Member Recognition Ceremony where you'll be welcomed with open hands and hearts by the rest of your congregation. |