On Tuesday, april 5 2022, the communications and outreach team made a presentation to the leadership council on "The Many Facets of a Message: Communicating our Faith"
“We often think of messaging as a physical transfer of concrete knowledge: emails, social media, phone calls. But also, our simplest actions can convey complex messages that can affect the ways others perceive us.
In this Leadership Council session we discussed the ways we share our FirstU messages with ourselves and our community, both through our publications and media, and, perhaps more importantly, via the power we have as individuals, through our own actions or inactions.”
Read "On the Importance of of Making Space for Newcomers" by Allison Armstrong, Communications Coordinator and "What’s the story we tell? How can we be better storytellers?" presented by Jen Brennan, Operations Manager. Both Allison and Jen are Communications and Outreach Team Members.
In this Leadership Council session we discussed the ways we share our FirstU messages with ourselves and our community, both through our publications and media, and, perhaps more importantly, via the power we have as individuals, through our own actions or inactions.”
Read "On the Importance of of Making Space for Newcomers" by Allison Armstrong, Communications Coordinator and "What’s the story we tell? How can we be better storytellers?" presented by Jen Brennan, Operations Manager. Both Allison and Jen are Communications and Outreach Team Members.