CUC approves 8th principle!
We, the member congregations of the Canadian Unitarian Council, covenant to affirm and promote: Individual and communal action that accountably dismantles racism and systemic barriers to full inclusion in ourselves and our institutions.
At a Special Meeting of the Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC) on November 27, 2021, 95% of the 104 voting delegates, including six from our congregation, decisively approved the addition of an eighth principle for our movement. Our voting delegates were Maury Prevost, Jane Lindsay, Guy Belleperche, Ren Martin-Doïké, Carl Sonnen, and Lisa Sharp.
This is a historic decision that is now being celebrated by many of us. It is just the end of the beginning, because it is necessary to continue the hard and long-term work of living and fully realizing this new principle in our congregation and in our national movement. This work includes:
- Adopting the 8th Principle and the other recommendations of the CUC's Dismantling Racism Study Group in our own congregation, now that the national organization and some other congregations have taken these steps.
- Continuing and expanding on the work in our congregation to dismantle racism and remove other barriers to full inclusion. This will take years, even decades, so requires a long-term commitment. The next step will be some sessions in the first half of 2022.
- Looking at governance and decision making processes that are more inclusive. The CUC is forming a team led by young adults to explore options.
- The CUC has also launched a review of its bylaw to establish a process for reviewing and amending the Principles, something that is currently lacking.
- And, reaching out to the people who are not currently celebrating this decision, in our congregation and elsewhere.
Our delegates and Board look forward to sharing this work with all of you and thank all who participated in getting us to this point. We hope you'll join us on this journey.
unitarian universalist principles
On May 8th, 2021, at the AGM of the Canadian Unitarian Council, it was proposed that a new, eighth Principle be added to the existing Seven Principles that are central to Unitarian Universalism. The proposed 8th Principle represents a formal commitment to the anti-racist ideals UUs share and are already passionate about putting into action. You can read the November 27 CUC statement HERE, and can learn more about the CUC's original 8th Principle vote, and the subsequent conversations and decisions HERE.
the 8th principle process at firstu
In response to feedback received from congregations and individuals by the October 20 deadline, the Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC) Board and the Dismantling Racism Study Group (DRSG) met on October 28 and decided to amend the motion.
The amended motion now proposed by the CUC Board reads:
The amended motion now proposed by the CUC Board reads:
We, the member congregations of the Canadian Unitarian Council, covenant to affirm and promote: Individual and communal action that accountably dismantles racism and systemic barriers to full inclusion in ourselves and our institutions.
The original motion read: "We, the member congregations of the Canadian Unitarian Council, covenant to affirm and promote: Individual and communal action that accountably dismantles racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions".
This motion will be the subject of a CUC Special Meeting on November 27. The CUC Board and DRSG are working on definitions and understandings of "accountably" and "systemic barriers to full inclusion" to be shared as soon as possible before the Special Meeting. At its October meeting, the FirstU Board approved Maury Prevost, Lisa Sharp, Guy Bellepreche, Ren Martin-Doike, Carl Sonnen, and Jane Lindsay as our congregation's voting delegates at the CUC Special Meeting. |
At an all-day town hall, on October 2, members of FirstU gathered on Zoom to discuss the proposed 8th Principle, share their thoughts, and learn about systemic racism in Canada. We thank those members who shared the ways they have experienced racism in our congregation. Our Denominational Affairs Team is preparing a report to send to the CUC after being approved by the Board.
A preliminary poll was held to determine support for the 8th Principle; about 83% of those present supported the implementation of the 8th Principle by the CUC; about 16% stated they were not sure or wanted more information; and nobody voted "No". Click here to download and read the feedback we received from FirstU Members to submit to the CUC. We invite congregants wishing to provide (additional) feedback on the 8th Principle motion to email [email protected]. |
On November 3, the Unitarian Universalist Ministers of Canada released a 12-minute video on dismantling racism and the 8th Principle that we commend to our congregants. You can watch it below: