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Getting involved is easy |
Getting more involved in congregational life is a great way to deepen your social and spiritual connections to your church community. Volunteering is also a way to exercise your skills as well as learn new ones. FirstU's groups, committees, and councils welcome new people who are interested in their activitiesand enthusiastic about making a contribution. Visit our Adult Learning and Growth page to find out about our spiritual enrichment, personal wellbeing, and social justice events.
You can also check out the Getting Connected Guide to find out about social, spiritual, activist, discussion, and creativity groups you can join.
For group meeting times and other information, please consult the calendar or contact the church office at 613-725-1066.
You can also check out the Getting Connected Guide to find out about social, spiritual, activist, discussion, and creativity groups you can join.
For group meeting times and other information, please consult the calendar or contact the church office at 613-725-1066.
As part of a community, we are all responsible for supporting and helping members who are in need. The First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa has groups - including the Caring Network, the Mental Health Support and Action Group, and our Spiritual Care Visitors - who work to help us care for each other.
Click here to learn more. If you need to talk to someone from one these groups, please contact the church office by email or at 613-725-1066.
Click here to learn more. If you need to talk to someone from one these groups, please contact the church office by email or at 613-725-1066.
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eUU Weekly Newsletter
Our weekly email bulletin arrives in your inbox on Fridays, through a free subscription. Read the eUU to get Sunday service information, congregational news, and to hear about upcoming FirstU events. Submission Guidelines - Items in the eUU:
The Parkway Spire Magazine
A quarterly, printed magazine about congregational news and events. Check the calendar for submission deadlines. If you are a member and wish to submit an article for consideration, please send as unformatted copy, maximum 450 words, before the deadline. |